ぼくの好きなおじさん |
tabako wo sui nagara itsudemo tsumaranasouni
tabako wo sui nagara itsudemo heya ni hitori
boku no suki na sensei
boku no suki na oji-san
tabako to enogu no nioi no ano heya ni itsumo hitori
tabako wo sui nagara kyanbasu ni muka tteta
boku no suki na sensei
boku no suki na oji-san
tabakowo sui nagara komatta youna kao shite
chikoku no oi boku wo kuchikazu mo sukunaku shikarunosa
boku no suki na sensei
boku no suki na oji-san
tabakoto enogu nonioino bokuno suki naojisan
tabako wo sui nagara ano heya ni itsumo hitori
Boku to onaji nanda shoukuinshitsu ga kirai nanosa
boku no suki na sensei
boku no suki na oji-san
tabako wo sui nagara rettousei no kono boku ni
suteki na hanashi wo shitekureta chittomo sensei rashikunai
bokuno suki na sensei
bokuno suki naojisan
tabakoto enogu no nioi no boku no suki na oji-san
boku no suki na oji-san
boku no suki na oji-san
boku no suki na oji-san |
He always seems to be worthless and smoking a cigarette
He is always alone at the room and smoking a cigarette
I like the teacher
I like this oji-san
He is always in that room smelling of cigarettes and colors
Smoking a cigarette while sitting at the canvas
I like the teacher
I like this oji-san
He is smoking a cigarette with his worried look, and
scolds me because I am often late for school although he does not say much
I like the teacher
I like this oji-san
He is a oji-san with an aroma of cigarettes and colors
He is always in that room smoking a cigarette
He does not like to stay at the teacher's room like me, I think
I like the teacher
I like this oji-san
He is smoking a cigarette and talks to me, who is a poor student,
about a wonderful story. He does not look like a "teacher"
I like the teacher
I like this oji-san
I like this oji-san with the aroma of cigarette and colors
I like this oji-san
I like this oji-san
I like this oji-san |
The story behind this song is quite touching. From Minako's blog: I found an article about this song on Asahi.com. Actually, this article was written on a few days later from Kiyoshiro Imawano, 58, passed away. May 2, 2009. An article on Asahi.com "Boku no Suki na Sensei"
This song was written by Kiyoshiro Imawano in his early days as a rock and roll group and he has had a model for the song. The person is his high school art teacher, Kobayashi, who he adores. In 1969, a woman posted her worries about her young 18yrs son on Asahi NewPaper. "I am confusing because my young son wants to become a professional guiter musician.
I am so worry about him and no idea how should I do."This posting was by Kiyoshiro's mother. "Please let him do as he likes for four years. If he goes to an university, he would just enjoying in his university life for four years except studying." At that time, the teacher, Kobayashi, persuaded her to be allow him to do what he wanted. Kiyoshiro entered in the high school in 1967, he was a quiet, small, and skinny. The boy with mashroom hair always wandered in the school. In the school days, he formed the rock and roll band, "RC succession" and went bonker over musical activities. So, he was often late to go classes, and absent. However, Kiyoshiro was enthusiasm for the art class which was taught by Kobayasi because he had respected the teacher who has deep understanding for students and listens their voices. The reason is why Kobayasi became an ait teacher was he did not like study. So, he also did not like being in a teacher's room, - Kiyoshiro also did not like the room,- and always smoking a cigarette in art room alone. Actually, Kiyoshiro was not a member of his art club, but always drown something at the room in a silence after school, and sometimes wearing vivid-pink-dyed white coat. He really respected the teacher. After graduated the high school, in 1970, Kiyoshiro and the band made their deview as a musician. He released, two years later, their first album which was involved in the song, Boku no Suki na Sensei. Kiyoshiro visited to Kobayashi and said, "this song is about you, is this any troubles for you?" Kobayashi said later, "I was surprised and ashamed but very felt happy"Kiyoshiro had wore very gaudy costum on his stage, but old friends says that he was quiet person, so the costum must be kind of covering his shy feelings. He started to join an exhibition by the art club OB since about ten years.As he was hospitalized because of a cancer 2006, he kept painting. He had a revival concert at Nihon-Budokan on Febuary in the year before he died.He invited Kobayashi to the concert and cerebrated together his rivival with beer at a dressing room after the concert. As Kobayashi said to him, "Do not push yourself. Take care." and he just nodded. Unfortunately, his cancer had spread. The last meeting was on February 2009, at an exhibition. Kiyoshiro beged to meet the teacher at the time, and said " I'm OK!" when he met the person who he respected there. Three month later, Kiyoshiro Imawano passed away.
Concert / TV Show / Other |
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2008 |